July 12-15
Bishop Christopher Saunders presides at the eucharistic celebration with all the pilgrims in the Nulungu Chapel on the Campus of Notre Dame University, Broome.
The procession through Broome cemetery where the pilgrims sang the rosary for all the deceased buried in the cemetery.
Pictured at the graves of his parents is Kevin Puertollano whose family welcomed Fr Nicholas Emo and provided for his needs in Chilli Creek, near Lombadina in the Dampier Peninsula, back in 1895. Standing with Kevin is Barbara Barron who is a catechist of the neocatechumenal way for Broome.
The Saturday evening Eucharist in the Cathedral of Our Lady, Queen of Peace was celebrated with the parishioners of Broome and the pilgrims with the seminarians leading the singing. Afterwards outside the cathedral parishioners joined in the dancing.