To help the seminarians and Formators during the day or the night, especially in times of spiritual struggle or in times of discernment of our vocation there is the quiet and seclusion of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in the private part of the Seminary.

Christ is perpetually present in the sacramental signs of the Eucharistic Bread and also in the Sacred Scriptures both behind the doors of the Tabernacle of the Chapel. The Renewal of the Liturgy of Vatican II Council has provided for the possibility of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel separate from the Chapel where the Eucharist is normally celebrated.
This Chapel is most conducive for quiet prayer and meditation for those in the Seminary and for small celebrations of the Eucharist or of the Divine Office.

The relic of the 1914 cedar coffin of Blessed Mary MacKillop given to us by the Sisters of Saint Joseph stored in the tabernacle of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.